Sunday, February 1, 2009


The DJ has been taken off the do-to list!

We met with several DJ's. The first one was DJ company did mostly bar/bat mitzvahs and was way too expensive. The second one we visited was super cheesy and had way too big of a sales pitch. In addition, the second DJ wanted to talk about gross details of my birth before the daddy-daughter dance. (yucky). We finally met with final one that seemed the right amount of coolness and class (as much of those as a DJ company can have). They also were the cheapest, so that always helps. ;)

Now we must decide what songs to have at the wedding. Any suggestions would be great!

Jill :o)

1 comment:

sarawithnoh said...

Which DJ are you using? Dan and I are looking for one, and they are all scary! One of them sent us popcorn in the mail! Bizarre.