Monday, May 18, 2009

Dumpster diving been good lately


Jill and I have not really been known to back a van up to a dumpster on purpose, but yesterday her (extremely nice) mom called up with a neat find: two perfectly good leather chairs waiting for the trashman behind the neighbor's house. And it's true, they were a little scuffed, but perfectly good! The neighbor came out and gave us the story; apparently they couldn't find a spot for them, so they've just been sitting in a garage for two years. Soon we'll give them a little polish, and they'll be looking distinguished in our new place =)


Two off-white keyboards were jutting out of the trash can at work today, both missing left Ctrl. Now one is missing both, the other is complete (and getting healthy under a sheet of Lysol in the bathroom) and I got me a keyboard for more comfortable coding on the Eee.